“What do you think we could do better or differently?” is one of the common interview questions recruiters ask when hiring. Knowing why recruiters ask it can help you leave a good impression with your answer, which is a goal every job seeker strives for.
Namely, by asking this question, an interviewer wants to see what you know about the company and how you would fit into its culture. Answering strategically can help you showcase your skills and knowledge about the organization and its values and practices.
But how do you answer such a question without coming off as a know-it-all? With our five impactful answers, you’ll be able to shine in this situation!
Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question?
The main reason interviewers ask this question is to learn more about you—after all, that’s the purpose of a job interview. Your answer can either make you seem tactful, which is what you should aim for, or full of yourself, which is, of course, something that should be avoided.
Another reason why recruiters ask this interview question is to test your knowledge about the organization. Naturally, every employer seeks an employee who understands their business and can contribute positive changes to the company.
Not only does answering this question properly allow you to showcase your soft skills and communication skills, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your hard skills and elegantly point out that you’re the perfect person for the job.
Note that there are several variations of this question, including:
- What could we do better?
- What would you change if this were your company?
- How could you improve our company if we hired you?
However phrased, this question requires you to point out the organization’s shortcomings. With that in mind, let’s learn how to suggest improvements without being overly critical.
How to Craft a Great Answer in 6 Easy Steps
Crafting a great answer to this tricky interview question is challenging, so you must approach it systematically and thoroughly. Otherwise, you risk coming across as condescending or underinformed, which is precisely what you want to avoid at a job interview.
Fortunately, we’ve put together a few guidelines to help you answer the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” interview question strategically and impress any recruiter.
#1. Research the Company Thoroughly
Preparation is vital to answering this or any other interview question correctly, so thoroughly researching the company is a must. That way, you’ll familiarize yourself with how they operate and their position in the industry.
The best way to do this is to check the company’s website and consult your network for information about the organization’s image, market, goals, revenue, product, reputation, and competition. This approach will give you insight into what areas may need improvements so you can suggest them during the interview.
#2. Start Positive, End Positive
The biggest reason why the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” question is tricky is that it requires you to criticize the company, so you need to make sure your answer starts and ends on a positive note. What you want to do here is use the technique of sandwiching criticism between compliments.
So, start with positive feedback, offer constructive criticism, and round your answer by reiterating the company’s strengths. This way, you’ll show the interviewer your knowledge of the matter and provide a satisfactory answer without seeming negative or one-sided.
#3. Be Specific
When answering this question, you need to be specific, as the recruiter wants to see how you think and how much you know about their business.
Instead of beating around the bush, use the information you’ve gathered during your research to identify specific aspects of the company you admire and the ones you’d suggest improving.
#4. Align with Company Values
When crafting your answer to the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” question, ensure it aligns with the company values. Namely, businesses operate differently, so what works for one organization might not work for another.
This is why you should pay close attention to the interviewing company’s goals and values—to tailor your answer to them. Otherwise, you may give off the impression that you wouldn’t be a good fit for the team.
#5. Connect the Answer With Your Skills and Talents
Since your end goal is to get the job, you should connect your answer with your skills and talents. Once you’ve provided constructive criticism between two layers of positive feedback, shift the focus to your expertise to present yourself as the perfect person to implement the suggested changes.
Even if it may not seem like it, the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” question is the perfect opportunity to outline your skills and set yourself apart from the other candidates in the hiring process.
#6. Practice Your Answers in a Mock Job Interview
Practice makes perfect, so practicing your answers in a mock job interview will do wonders to help you prepare for and nail the answer. This applies to all interview questions and answers, but it can be especially helpful in a tricky situation such as this one.
A mock job interview is a training exercise that simulates an actual interview. You should use it to craft the best possible answer, hear how it sounds, and make all the necessary improvements. When the time comes to respond to this question, you’ll thank yourself for taking some time to practice, as you’ll be more confident in your answer and your delivery of it.
5 Impactful Sample Answers to This Interview Question
Now that we’ve established some ground rules, let us offer five impactful sample answers to the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” interview question. Some will be position-specific, while others will be crafted according to different stages of your career and the company’s development.
#1. Industry Novice
Being an industry novice doesn’t mean you can’t impress the interviewer with your answer. If you do your research and familiarize yourself with the company, you’ll set yourself up for great success. Here’s one of the ways you can answer this question:
“I’ve merely begun my research into the insurance industry. However, I understand this company is considered a leader in the field. While I’m currently unaware of any areas needing improvement, I hope to learn more about the industry with a progressive organization such as yours.”
#2. Transition Period
Suppose the interviewing company is going through changes. This can be the perfect time to suggest improvements and showcase your soft skills that can help your prospective employer establish a strong workforce. You can accomplish that by answering in the following manner:
“I’ve heard amazing things about your company from several people in my network. Since I understand there have been some difficulties related to the reorganization process due to the recent turnover, I want to point out that I have some experience dealing with similar situations, thanks to which I’ve learned much about flexibility. Thus, I have some ideas of how I can utilize my leadership skills to contribute to your company’s productivity.”
#3. Managerial Position
If you’ve applied for a managerial position, you can phrase your answer in the following way so that it reflects your skills relevant to the role:
“I’ve learned great things about your company during my research, especially regarding how you managed your 2015 merger. However, I understand that the organization may need some improvements concerning the hiring process. Since I’m highly experienced in corporate DEI planning and talent acquisition, I believe I can help with this task.”
#4. Sales Position
For a position in sales, you can use your professional experience and insights as a company’s customer to craft a unique answer. The following example might give you some ideas on how to do that:
“I’ve been a customer of your company for a few years. Now that I’m also a job applicant, I have a more rounded view of your business. If I could suggest any changes, I would recommend building up the organization’s social media presence since most younger customers are online. As I did for my previous employer, I can establish a strong sales-based social strategy to engage that particular audience.”
#5. Teacher Position
Excelling in a teacher position requires creativity, which is precisely a trait you should showcase when answering this question. Here’s how you can do that:
“Given my experience in the public sector, I understand that areas of improvement stem from public education budget cuts. Suppose this is the case in your company; in that case, I can suggest creative solutions to help stretch the classroom funds and introduce several publicly available initiatives from which our students can greatly benefit.”
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Given the complexity of the “What do you think we could do better or differently?” question, it’s only natural that there are common mistakes you should avoid. We’ll outline a few of them in the following section so that you know what not to do during your interview.
- Approaching the question with a “savior complex.” Nobody has all the answers, so avoid presenting yourself as someone who can fix all of the company’s problems.
- Being overly critical. Although this question calls for criticism, make sure it’s constructive and nicely worded so you don’t come off as disparaging of the company.
- Being vague. Your answer should demonstrate your knowledge of the company, so responding vaguely can make you seem underinformed.
- Going against the company’s values. Remember that your answer has to align with the company’s values. Thus, suggesting changes that go against them is a red flag for the recruiter and will likely result in your elimination from the hiring process.
“What do you think we could do better or differently?” is one of the trickiest interview questions. However, it’s also an excellent opportunity to showcase your communication and leadership skills, critical thinking, and knowledge of the company and industry.
If you play your cards right and follow our guidelines, your answer to this question can impress the recruiter and set you apart from the competition, helping you land the job of your dreams.